DLCAS.com is a service of the Distance Learning Center, LLC
The Distance Learning Center for Addiction Studies
NAADAC (Provider #62818)
NBCC (Provider #5899)
Affiliation - IC&RC and NAADAC
IC&RC Credentialing Board
Credentials Offered
Colorado Certified Prevention Specialist (CCPS)
(last updated 12.11.18)
899 Logan St
Ste 600
Denver, CO 80203
Phone: (303) 551-7339
Email: COPACERT@gmail.com
Website: http://copreventionworks.com
Career Steps
CPS - Certified Prevention Specialist
The use of distance learning for both Basic training and Continuing Education (CE) hours varies from Board to Board. Most allow CE hours with no limitations, accepting our national NAADAC or NBCC approvals. Some may require live training for certain types of hours, such as ethics. Many also allow basic training hours, though limits may apply. We are currently in communication with this state to determine if such limitations exist and will update this page as soon as that information is available. In the meantime, feel free to contact us by email at information@dlc.email with any questions, or feel free to contact your Board directly using the information posted above.
NAADAC Credentialing Board
Credentials Offered
Colorado Association of Addiction Professionals (CAAP) aka Society of Addiction Professionals of Colorado (SACC) (last updated 12.11.18)
P.O Box 9384
Denver, CO 80209
Phone: (303) 637-2660
Email: info@caap.us
Website: https://www.caap.us
Career Steps
CAC I - Certified Addiction Counselor, Level I
CAC II - Certified Addiction Counselor, Level II
CAC III - Certified Addiction Counselor, Level III
LAC - Licensed Addiction Counselor
The use of distance learning for both Basic training and Continuing Education (CE) hours varies from Board to Board. Most allow CE hours with no limitations, accepting our national NAADAC or NBCC approvals. Some may require live training for certain types of hours, such as ethics. Many also allow basic training hours, though limits may apply. We are currently in communication with this state to determine if such limitations exist and will update this page as soon as that information is available. In the meantime, feel free to contact us by email at information@dlc.email with any questions, or feel free to contact your Board directly using the information posted above.