DLCAS.com is a service of the Distance Learning Center, LLC
The Distance Learning Center for Addiction Studies
NAADAC (Provider #62818)
NBCC (Provider #5899)
Affiliation - IC&RC & NAADAC
Credentialing Board
Credentials Offered
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Certification Board of Georgia (ADACBGA) (last updated 4.15.18)
IC&RC Affiliation
777 Cleveland Ave SW
Suite 605
Atlanta, GA 30315
Phone: (770) 825-0481
Fax: (707) 790-0018
Email: info@adacbga.org
Website: http://www.adacbga.org
Career Steps
CADC I&II - Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselor Levels I & II
CAADC - Certified Advanced Alcohol & Drug Counselor
Specialty Certifications
CCS - Certified Clinical Supervisor
CGAC - Certified Gambling Addiction Counselor
CRRA - Certified Recovery Residence Administrator
CCJP - Certified Criminal Justice Addictions Professional
CPRC - Certified Peer Recovery Coach
The Alcohol and Drug Abuse Certification Board of Georgia (ADACBGA) allow unlimited distance learning for both basic and continuing education requirements. No matter which basic credential you start with (CADC or CAADC) you will be required to document 300 hours of drug/alcohol specific education.
CADC I - for the students who currently DO NOT hold a bachelors degree, they must document a minimum of three (3) years or 6,000 hours of direct alcohol/drug abuse treatment with individual and/or group counseling.
CADC II or CAADC - for the students who currently hold a bachelors degree, they must document a minimum of two (2) years or 4,000 hours experience of direct alcohol/drug abuse treatment with individual and/or group counseling.
We have created a 300 hour training plan that will list out the courses we offer that will allow you to meet the education requirements AND prepare yourself for the national credentialing exam that you will be taking. You will be responsible for locating a worksite to acquire the correct number or work experience hours, we cannot help you with that. You can download a copy of our 300 hour training plan by clicking on the button below:
Credentialing Board
Credentials Offered
Georgia Addiction Counselor Association (GACA) (last updated 12.3.18)
NAADAC Affiliation
4015 South Cobb Dr
Ste 160
Smyrna, GA 30080
Phone: (707) 434-1000
Website: https://gaca.org
Career Steps
CIT - Counselor-In-Training Certification (temporary)
CAC I - Certified Addiction Counselor, Level I
CAC II - Certified Addiction Counselor, Level II
Specialty Certifications
CCS - Certified Clinical Supervisor
The Georgia Addiction Counselors Association (GACA) will require you to have 180 hours of education and 2 years of work experience to be credential at the basic, CADC I, level. However, they will only accept up to 12 hours of distance education, requiring the rest of your education to be completed through live workshops or use college hours/credits. If you would like to credential with GACA I would suggest contacting the board directly so they provide a list of acceptable providers.