DLCAS.com is a service of the Distance Learning Center, LLC
The Distance Learning Center for Addiction Studies
NAADAC (Provider #62818)
NBCC (Provider #5899)
North Carolina
Affiliation - IC&RC
Credentialing Board
Credentials Offered
North Carolina Substance Abuse Professional Practice Board (NCSAPPB) (last updated 3.28.17)
P.O. Box 10126
Raleigh, NC 27605
T (919) 832-0975
F (919) 833-5743
Website: http://www.ncsappb.org/
Career Steps
Certified Substance Abuse Counselor (CSAC)
Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialist (LCAS)
Specialty Certifications
Certified Clinical Supervisor (CCS)
Certified Substance Abuse Prevention Consultant (CSAPC)
Certified Criminal Justice Addictions Professional (CCJAP)
Certified Substance Abuse Residential Facility Director (CSARFD)
The starting point for credentialing in North Carolina is the CSAC credential. The process to begin credentialing starts with registration using an online system called LearningBuilder. Information on how to start the process can be found in the CSAC manual which can be downloaded from the button below. A list of items required for registration can be found in the manual.
As part of the requirements for credentialing, North Carolina requires you to complete 270 hours of approved education/training, of which 190 must be substance abuse specific. No more than 50% may be online/independent study. No more than 25% may be in-service training. These hours must include: 6 hours HIV/AIDS/BB/STD/Infectious Disease, 6 hours Ethics, and 6 hours in each of the following areas:
Nicotine Dependence,
b) Substance Abuse and Veterans,
c) Substance Abuse and the Elderly,
d) Psychopathology, and/or
e) Evidence Based Treatment Approaches
DLCAS.com is an approved provider. We have created a recommended training plan that can be viewed by downloading this PDF document: