DLCAS.com is a service of the Distance Learning Center, LLC
The Distance Learning Center for Addiction Studies
NAADAC (Provider #62818)
NBCC (Provider #5899)
Affiliation - IC&RC
Credentialing Board
Credentials Offered
California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP) (last updated 9.28.19)
2400 Marconi Avenue
Suite C
PO Box 214127
Sacramento, CA 95821
T (916) 338-9460
F (916) 338-9468
Website: www.CCAPP.us
CCAPP has a “Career Ladder” page on their website that spells out the various requirements. Visit that page by clicking on this link:​
Career Steps
Registered Alcohol Drug Technician (RADT)
Certified Alcohol Drug Counselor I (CADC-I)
Certified Alcohol Drug Counselor II (CADC-II)
Licensed Advanced Alcohol Drug Counselor (LAADC)
Licensed Advanced Alcohol Drug Counselor Supervisor (LAADC-S)
Specialty Certifications
Certified Co-occurring Disorder Professional (CCDP)
Certified Criminal Justice Professional (CCJP)
California Certified Prevention Specialist (CCPS)
Medication Assisted Treatment Specialist (MATS)
Intervention Specialist (IS)
Women’s Treatment Specialist (WTS)
Approved California Training Plans
The California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP) allows unlimited distance learning for both basic and continuing education requirements. For those starting the path to a drug/alcohol career, the first step is to complete a nine hour orientation course that is required by the State of California. For your convenience we have added a button, below, that will take you directly to our Orientation course:
Once this course is complete, students can make application for the RADT credential. This credential will allow the student the opportunity of seeking employment in the field in order to begin gather work experience hours. Programs and facilities know and understand the credentialing process and realize that the RADT credential is an entry point to the field.
Once you have your RADT credential, you will need to begin the educational process. We have created a training plan that lists out the courses we offer that will allow you to meet the educational requirements AND prepare yourself for the national credentialing exam that you will be taking.
PLEASE NOTE: THE COURSES FOUND ON THE BASIC CREDENTIALING PLAN CANNOT BE USED FOR CE HOURS. CCAPP has just passed a new rule which will restrict your CE hours to coursework not found on the Basic Credentialing Plan found below, so please save a copy of this plan to help at checkout when you're ready.
You can download a copy of that plan by clicking on the button below:
If you hold a Master’s Degree, the LAADC credential is your goal. This requires 300 hours of drug/alcohol education, which must include 6 hours of ethics. You can download a copy of that plan by clicking on the button below:
45-hour Practicum Online Classroom
CCAPP requires those seeking the CADC-I or CADC-II credential to include a practicum experience as part of their training. Once you have your basic training hours wrapped up, you can then concentrate on this phase of the training. This includes 255 hours of supervised work AND an additional 45 hours of training on clinical issues. See the breakdown below:
The Practicum course consists of two parts:
Requires documentation of 255 hours of supervised work experience, which students are responsible for locating their own work place for the hours, with a minimum of 21 hours in each of the Twelve Core Functions of Counseling:
Treatment Planning
Case Management
Crisis Intervention
Client Education
Referral Reports/Record Keeping
Consultation with Professionals
AND 3 hours of Agency Orientation
Requires an additional 45 hours of educational training on areas related to clinical practice which our online Practicum course will meet.
Students are responsible for locating their own work place to obtain the 255 hours of experience, but DLCAS.com does offer the 45-hour training package that allows you to meet the educational requirement.
For more details about our Practicum, and to sign up, please click on the button below:
Credentialing Board
Credentials Offered
California Association of DUI Treatment Programs (CADTP) (last updated 10.1.19)
1026 W. El Norte Pkwy
PMB 143
Escondido, CA 92026
Main: (800) 464-3597
Certification Line: (866) 621-2256
Fax: (866) 621-2286
Email: info@cadtp.org
Website: https://www.cadtp.org
CADTP outlines all their credentials that spells out the various requirements on their website . Visit that page by clicking on this link:​
Career Steps
Substance Use Disorder Registered Counselor (SUDRC)
Substance Use Disorder Certified Counselor (SUDCC)
Substance Use Disorder Certified Counselor - Advanced Experience (SUDCC-II)
Substance Use Disorder Certified Counselor - Advanced Experience and Bachelor Level Educatoin (SUDCC-III)
Substance Use Disorder Certified Counselor Clinical Supervisor (SUDCC III-CS)
Substance Use Disorder Certified Counselor - Advanced Experience and Master Level Education (SUDCC IV)
Substance Use Disorder Certified Counselor Clinical Supervisor (SUDCC IV-CS)
Approved California Training Plans
The California Associate of DUI Treatment Programs (CADTP) allows unlimited distance learning for both basic and continuing education requirements. For those starting the path to a drug/alcohol career, the first step is to complete a nine hour orientation course that is required by the State of California. For your convenience we have added a button, below, that will take you directly to our Orientation course:
Once this course is complete, students can make application for the SUDRC credential. This credential will allow the student the opportunity of seeking employment in the field in order to begin gather work experience hours. Programs and facilities know and understand the credentialing process and realize that the SUDRC credential is an entry point to the field.
Once you have your SUDRC credential, you will need to begin the educational process. We have created a training plan that lists out the courses we offer that will allow you to meet the educational requirements AND prepare yourself for the national credentialing exam that you will be taking. You can download a copy of that plan by clicking on the button below:
45-hour Practicum Online Classroom
CADTP requires those seeking the SUDCC levels of credentialing to include a practicum experience as part of their training. Once you have your basic training hours wrapped up, you can then concentrate on this phase of the training. This includes 160 hours of supervised work AND an additional 45 hours of training on clinical issues. See the breakdown below:
The Practicum course consists of two parts:
Requires documentation of 160 hours of supervised work experience, which students are responsible for locating their own work place for the hours, with a minimum of 13 hours in each of the Twelve Core Functions of Counseling:
Treatment Planning
Case Management
Crisis Intervention
Client Education
Referral Reports/Record Keeping
Consultation with Professionals
AND 3 hours of Agency Orientation
Requires an additional 45 hours of educational training on areas related to clinical practice which our online Practicum course will meet.
Students are responsible for locating their own work place to obtain the 160 hours of experience, but DLCAS.com does offer the 45-hour training package that allows you to meet the educational requirement.
For more details about our Practicum, and to sign up, please click on the button below: