DLCAS.com is a service of the Distance Learning Center, LLC
The Distance Learning Center for Addiction Studies
NAADAC (Provider #62818)
NBCC (Provider #5899)
Affiliation - IC&RC
Credentialing Board
Credentials Offered
Florida Certification Board (FCB) (last updated 3.23.17)
1715 South Gadsen Street
Tallahassee, FL 32301
T (850) 222-6314
F (850) 222-6247
Website: www.flcertificationboard.org​
Career Steps
Certified Addiction Counselor (CAC)
Certified Addiction Professional (CAP)
Master’s Level Addiction Professional (MCAP)
Specialty Certifications
Certified E-Therapist (CET)
Certified Gambling Addiction Counselor (CGAC)
Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist (CTTS)
Certified Recovery Support Specialist (CRSS)
Certified Recovery Residence Administrator (CRRA)
Certified Prevention Professional (CPP)
Certified Prevention Specialist (CPS)
The Florida Certification Board (FCB) allows unlimited distance learning for both basic training and continuing education requirements. Your starting point will be determined by your education level: if you only have a High School or GED, you’ll be working to obtain the CAC credential; if you have a Bachelor’s degree or higher then you’ll be seeking the CAP credential; if you have a Master’s degree or higher, then you’ll be working to obtain the MCAP credential.
DLCAS.com is approved by the FCB to provide the educational hours you need in a distance learning format. We have plans developed for each of these credentials. You can view each plan by using one of the following buttons:
There is one other option to obtain the MCAP credential – if you are currently a licensed professional in the State of Florida you can obtain the MCAP credential by obtaining a minimum of 145-hours of drug/alcohol specific training. You can review the MCAP for the Licensed Professional curriculum by navigating to the following button:
PLEASE NOTE: If you hold a Master’s Degree, or are currently licensed in a related field in Florida, it is possible that some of your college education can be applied towards credentialing. We can review your transcripts and develop a training plan for you. Simply email us your transcript (transcriptreview@dlc.email), or fax us a copy to (603) 843-5914 and we will outline a plan specific to your needs. Be sure to include your name, email address, and phone number when submitting your transcripts.